Step 1. Enter IAM Identity Center
Step 2. Create a new application (Add application)
Step 3. Choose Add custom SAML 2.O application
Step 4. Set application parameters
1. Display name and “description” can be customized by user
2. Please fill “App Alliance Metadata URL” field in the Ragic company setting with the link of the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file
3. Please fill “Application ACS URL” with the URL of the server where your Ragic is located and add “/api/external/saml/acs.jsp” to the end (For example your Ragic url is, please fill in “”), the “Application SAML audience” attribute can be customized by the user, and its value is filled in the “Application ID” field in Ragic company setting
Step 5. In "Attribute mappings", set the attribute mapped by Subject to "${user:email}", format to "transient", refer to the following Figure
Step 6. Add users to the application