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Access rights for features

Feature Access Settings

Ragic has certain default access rights for user groups for features, that is visible under the Feature Settings menu. This is accessible from Start tab > Account Setup > Feature Settings.

Below are the features that are listed in the Feature Access Setting menu.

Feature Access SettingDescriptionDefault Setting
Import Data From FileThe ability to import data from .csv and .xls files. This includes doing a mass update by importing dataSYSAdmin
Download ListingExporting data from the listing pageEveryone
Download FormDownloading single entries from the form pageEveryone
Mass Actions
Mass E-mailSending out mass e-mailsEveryone
Mass SMSSending out mass text messagesEveryone
Mass DeleteDeleting filtered entries from the listing pageSYSAdmin
Mass EditEditing entries through the listing pageEveryone
View ReportViewing reports that are saved under the Reports tabEveryone
Generate Website PluginsCreating a website plugin through the web embed toolSYSAdmin
Basic Actions>
Single DeleteDeleting a single entry that does not belong to a userSYSAdmin
Single CopyCloning an entryEveryone
Email EntryE-mailing an entryEveryone
LockingLocking an entry so it cannot be edited without unlockingSYSAdmin

Configuring Feature Access Settings

You can configure the access rights for certain features within Ragic if you have a professional plan subscription or above. Simply select the user groups that should have access to use a certain feature.

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